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The presence of spider veins and other vascular lesions can cause physical and mental discomfort. Contour Oklahoma offers non-surgical relief for spider vein reduction. We directly target the blood vessel causing the blemish with our Vasculaze laser technology. We can safely reduce the appearance of spider veins, port wine stains, leg veins, and other vascular lesions. The technology we use is safe for areas on the body and face. You can get the relief you have been looking for. Live freely and comfortably knowing that your veins are restored. Call us today to discuss your goals.

A woman touching her legs

Clear Skin With Vasculaze

Veins can congregate below the skin’s surface, making them more prominent and visible. With Vasculaze, we use a laser to specifically target the veins and blood vessels that are causing the problem. Light energy from the laser destroys the pigment of the existing vein, which will cause the blood to reroute to a healthy vein. The pressure of the veins will be relieved so that they are no longer prevalent along the skin. Vasculaze employs pinpoint technology to make the treatments accurate and safe on all skin types. Blemishes that are already present are treated while preventing future lesions from occurring.

Benefits of Spider Vein Reduction

When you choose vascular laser treatment, you will feel confident in the way you look. Spider veins can be troublesome to anyone who has them. Reducing the presence of vascular blemishes will only take a short visit but will give you lasting comfort in your appearance. The benefits of spider vein reduction include:


Improper blood flow can cause a series of uncomfortable side effects, including cramping, swelling, irritated skin, and burning sensations. Vascular laser treatment will target the damaged veins forcing the blood to flow through healthy veins, giving you the relief that you deserve.

Short Procedure

Depending on how many areas are targeted, treatment sessions are generally fast. Each area of focus only takes a few minutes to treat with a laser.

No Downtime

Vasculaze is a non-invasive treatment that requires no recovery time. You can get back to living your life with confidence.

Smooth Skin

The appearance of veins is reduced while evening out your skin for a soft, youthful look.

Spider Vein Relief Today

Today, you can get spider vein reduction in Oklahoma without surgery. If you have stubborn spider-veins or other vascular lesions on your body, it may be time for relief. Our professionals will discuss your goals with you to create a treatment plan that meets your needs. There is no time to waste worrying about the appearance of your skin. You can feel confident and take control of your vascular blemishes now. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Call Us Now to Contour Your Life