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Experience Beautiful Skin With Morpheus8

At Contour Oklahoma we proudly offer innovative Morpheus8 treatments. Morpheus8 is one of the latest technologies in non-surgical skin tightening and has taken the world by storm. You can rejuvenate your skin safely and effectively without laser treatment or invasive surgery. This service can be performed on virtually every area of the face and body. Morpheus8 is a certified method for treating wrinkles, skin laxity, pigmentation problems, acne scarring, stretch marks, and rough or uneven skin texture. You can increase your skin’s elasticity and treat stubborn fine-lines and wrinkles when you call us today to schedule your consultation.

A woman smiling and touching her cheek

Discover How Morpheus8 Can Transform Your Look

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that combines micro-needling with the power of radio-frequency energy. Micro-needling improves skin quality and texture while the radio-frequency energy encourages tightening of the skin. The micro-needles create tiny punctures in the skin, delivering radio-frequency energy up to 4mm deep to trigger your body’s natural healing response and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin while simultaneously melting fatty tissue in the treated area. Morpheus8 is safe to use on all skin types with little risk of hyperpigmentation. Each treatment session is quick and relatively painless. Some patients notice skin redness and irritation for a brief period after treatment.

Benefits of Morpheus8

Morpheus8 gives you the skin you’ve always wanted. The greater depth of the needles and energy delivery create a faster result time. The key benefits of Morpheus8 treatments include:

Decreases Appearance of Lines and Wrinkles
Fades Stretch Marks & Acne Scarring
Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive
Short Treatment, No Downtime
Tightens & Firms Skin
Safe for All Skin Tones
Smooths Skin Texture
Quick Results

Your Dream Skin Is Possible

At Contour Oklahoma, we want to help you achieve your dream skin. Morpheus8 treatment technology provides you with more youthful, firmer skin without surgery. Contouring your face and body no longer requires incisions. We will target the deeper layers of your skin to reveal the radiant appearance you desire. Together, we can reach your aesthetic goals. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Call Us Now to Contour Your Life