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Boost Your Skin. Boost Your Confidence

Add a concentrated booster to your treatment to target your specific skin concerns and achieve even better results.
Our team will help you decide which booster(s) are right for you and your skin goals!

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Every Hydrafacial treatment starts with three simple steps–from there, we’ll personalize the experience based on your skin goals.

Deeply cleanses and exfoliates with a gentle peel to uncover a new layer of skin.

Removes impurities from pores with painless gentle suction.

Saturates the skin’s surface with intense moisturizers and nourishing, personalized ingredients.

Hydrafacial Treatment Tiers

Signature: Your first step to glowing, hydrated skin! This quick 30-minute session is your grab-and-go HydraFacial for the client needing a quick pick-me-up. Includes exfoliation & extraction. This is a great way to spend a lunch break!

Deluxe: When you are ready to move from preventive to corrective action, deluxe is your HydraFacial of choice. This treatment is 45 minutes of HydraFacial Bliss, with the addition of personalized treatment options/boosters to target specific skin concerns. This is then followed up with a relaxing and rejuvenating Blue or Red LED light therapy session. This is our go-to Hydrafacial!

Platinum: The full Detox! This treatment is one full hour of rejuvenation and transformation! The Platinum experience takes everything above one step further in the treatment process by combining detoxifying lymphatic drainage with customized boosters for targeted skin concerns and then finishes up with blue or red LED light therapy for an “all the bells and whistles” approach to skin revitalization.

Further, customize your Hydrafacial experience by adding a lip or eye perk for an additional $50 to any Hydrafacial treatment session! You can also add red or blue light therapy and lymphatic massage to any Hydrafacial or other Contour Oklahoma service, or enjoy them on their own!

These treatments are not limited to the face. Hydrafacial is great for the whole body! Other commonly treated areas include hands, back, chest/decollete, arms, legs, and there’s even a “booty treatment”