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Evolve Your Body

Have you been seeking out body contouring solutions that don’t involve surgery? At Contour Oklahoma, we offer non-invasive body contouring treatments with the Evolve system. With Evolve, you can increase your muscle tone, tighten loose skin, decrease cellulite, and reduce the overall amount of body fat. If you have trouble areas on your body that you are looking to treat without an invasive procedure, the Evolve system is an excellent solution. The system is comprised of two different modalities that each address different sets of concerns. These modalities can be used separately or combined depending on your individual needs. Evolve is a total body remodeling solution that is entirely hands-free meaning you can work on a six-pack while scrolling TikTok. You can schedule your appointment by calling us today!

woman with Evolve machine

Customizable Options for the Best Results

The Evolve system utilizes two different non-invasive, hands-free treatment options. The system is certified as a safe alternative to other body contouring procedures. Whether you choose one or both techniques, each method can treat multiple body areas simultaneously for even results. None of these techniques require downtime, so you can feel great without spending days recovering.

The Evolve System

Evolve Tite

Heat is generated through bipolar radiofrequency energy and delivered to the deep tissues of the skin. The eight different applicators produce energy that stimulates the collagen production response to remodel the skin's subdermal layers. The result is firm, tight, and smooth skin. During treatment, you will experience a warming of the skin.

Evolve Transform

Our advanced applicators combine radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating, vacuum technology, and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to target cellulite and increase muscle strength. The heat eliminates underlying layers of fat, while EMS produces involuntary muscle contractions. This device gently removes excess fat while shaping and toning the desired areas.

Experience a Total Body Enhancement

Enhancing your body and increasing your confidence is made possible with the Evolve system. In Oklahoma, we offer a variety of body contouring methods at our office. With the Evolve system, you can achieve the look you want without surgery and downtime. The treatment is used to remodel various body parts, including arms, hips, thighs, and abdomen. The gradual effects of these techniques give you the natural, healthy look you desire for years to come. Call our office today to get started on your body enhancement journey.

Call Us Now to Contour Your Life